Everything You Need To Know About Orthowax

Maintaining good oral hygiene is important for everyone, but it’s particularly crucial for those with braces. Braces can sometimes cause irritation to the cheeks, lips, and tongue, making it uncomfortable to eat and talk. This is where orthodontic wax, also known as orthowax, comes in handy.

orthowax is a non-toxic, soft, and pliable wax that can be applied to braces to provide relief from pain and irritation. It acts as a barrier between the metal brackets and wires of the braces and the sensitive tissues in the mouth. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about orthowax and how it can make your orthodontic treatment more comfortable.

### What is orthowax?

orthowax is a specially formulated dental wax that is designed to provide relief from the discomfort caused by braces. It is typically made from a blend of natural waxes, such as paraffin wax and beeswax, along with other ingredients that give it its soft and pliable texture.

Orthowax is available in small, compact containers that can easily fit in a pocket or purse, making it convenient to carry around and use whenever needed. It comes in a variety of colors, including clear, white, and pink, allowing users to choose a shade that blends in with their braces for a more discreet look.

### How Does Orthowax Work?

When braces rub against the cheeks, lips, or tongue, they can cause irritation and sores to develop. Orthowax works by creating a protective barrier between the braces and the sensitive tissues in the mouth, reducing friction and preventing further irritation.

To apply orthowax, simply take a small amount of wax and roll it into a ball. Then, press the wax onto the bracket or wire that is causing the irritation. The wax will adhere to the braces, providing instant relief and comfort. Orthowax is safe to use and can be easily removed and reapplied as needed.

### When Should You Use Orthowax?

Orthowax can be used whenever braces are causing discomfort or irritation. Common reasons to use orthowax include:

1. **Poking wires**: Sometimes, the wires of braces can become loose or shift out of place, causing them to poke the inside of the mouth. Orthowax can be applied to the end of the wire to prevent it from poking the cheeks or tongue.

2. **Bracket irritation**: The metal brackets of braces can rub against the cheeks or lips, leading to sore spots. Orthowax can be applied to the brackets to create a smooth surface and reduce friction.

3. **Ulcers or sores**: If braces have caused ulcers or sores to develop in the mouth, applying orthowax can help protect the sensitive tissues and promote healing.

4. **Sharp edges**: Sometimes, braces can have sharp edges that cause discomfort. Orthowax can be used to cover these edges and prevent them from cutting the inside of the mouth.

### Tips for Using Orthowax

Here are some tips for using orthowax effectively:

– **Keep it clean**: Make sure to wash your hands before handling orthowax to prevent introducing bacteria into your mouth.

– **Dry the area**: Before applying orthowax, ensure that the area is clean and dry. This will help the wax adhere better to the braces.

– **Replace regularly**: Orthowax can wear down over time, especially after eating and brushing your teeth. Replace the wax as needed to maintain its effectiveness.

– **Consult your orthodontist**: If you are experiencing persistent pain or discomfort from your braces, consult your orthodontist. They may recommend other solutions or adjustments to your braces.

### Conclusion

Orthowax is a simple yet effective solution for alleviating the discomfort caused by braces. Whether you’re dealing with poking wires, bracket irritation, ulcers, or sharp edges, orthowax can provide relief and make your orthodontic treatment more comfortable. Keep a container of orthowax handy so you can easily apply it whenever you need it. Enjoy a pain-free orthodontic experience with the help of orthowax!